Cookie Policy

1. Purpose and field of application

This Cookie Policy is intended to disclose the methods of use of cookies resulting from access or information provided by users visiting the website: This document is drawn up in compliance with Italian legislation, \art. 122 of Legislative Decree 196/03 “Code regarding the protection of personal data”, to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) to art. 4, point 11) specifies the general definition and characteristics, and the Guidelines on cookies and other tracking tools published by the Privacy Guarantor 10 June 2021.

1.1 Data Controller

The owner of the processing of personal data collected through this site is Nethive SPA, based in Limena (PD) Via Vincenzo Stefano Breda n. 26 – Phone: 049-7442600 – email: (hereinafter “Owner” or “Company“).

1.2 Personal data processed

Web browsing data.

2. General information about cookies and other tracking technologies

Cookies are text files that contain information that is stored on your computer or mobile device each time you visit a website through a browser. On each subsequent visit, your browser sends these cookies to the website that originated them or to another website. Cookies allow sites to “remember” certain information to allow you to navigate online quickly and easily. Cookies can be session cookies or persistent cookies. Session cookies are deleted from your computer when you close your browser, while persistent cookies remain stored on your device unless you delete them, or they reach their expiration date. You can also delete cookies manually by accessing the preferences of the browser you are using.

2.1 Types of cookies

The Guarantor defines three macro-categories of cookies:

2.1.1 Technical cookies

Necessary for the sole purpose of “carrying out the transmission of a communicaˇtion over an electronic communications network or to the extent strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the contracting party or user to provide such service” (art. 122, paragraph 1 of the Privacy Code). The definition taken from the Privacy Code, allows to consider technical cookies, for example, the cookies necessary to remember the choice of the user with reference to the closing of the banner or the cookies that allow to manage the authentication of a user in his reserved area.

2.1.2 Profiling cookies

They are used to send communications of a commercial nature in line with the preferences expressed by the same during navigation or providing for the publication and display of personalized content in relation to the specific User accessing this Website. Any profiling takes place through the installation of third-party cookies during navigation on this Website. Since these third-party cookies are third party cookies, the Owner of this Website does not manage them directly but acts only as a technical intermediary: therefore, please read the relative Informative Notes prepared by these third parties, which for simplicity and as an example are linked in this Informative Note. In any case, these cookies are installed and managed with the consent of the interested party.

2.1.3 Analytics cookies

There are some analytical cookies that the Website uses on an individual and/or aggregate basis, to process analyses and statistics and improve the services offered to Users.

2.2 Cookie Center

The configuration of the cookie management depends on the browser used. Below are the links to the guides for the management of cookies of the main browsers:

3. Cookies used on

This website only uses technical cookies to give you the best browsing experience. These cookies are necessary and essential for the website to function properly. These cookies provide basic functionality and security features of the website, in an anonymous way. We periodically update the list of cookies used on, you can view the adjustments by visiting: If our policies change, we will also update this document to allow you to give us your consent when necessary.

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